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Api base camp trek FAQ'S

1. How difficult is the trek to Mount Api base camp?
This journey is among the most challenging because of its remote location and numerous steep climbs.

2. How is the accommodation in Api base camp trek?
You won't find such a lodging option in other trekking locations, so you'll need to be prepared with enough tents and supplies.

3. Is there electricity and Wi-Fi in the Api base camp trek?
Since it is the most isolated part of Nepal, there are no amenities like Wi-Fi there. However, you might locate the cell network up to day 6.

4. Why Api Base Camp Trek?
Api Base Camp Trek is a trekking route that leads to the base camp of Mount Api, which is the highest peak in the Api Himal range. This trek is chosen by adventurers and trekkers for several reasons, like remote and less Crowded, stunning scenery, cultural experience, challenging adventure, close to nature, unique destination etc.

5. Where is Mount Api Located in Nepal?
The Darchula district of far-western Nepal is home to Mount Api. The tallest peak in western Nepal is that one.

6. What is the height of Api Himal?
Mount Api is 7,132 meters above sea level.

7. What is the altitude of Api Base Camp?
3,860 meters above sea level is the altitude of Api Base Camp.

8. How remote is Api Base Camp Trek?
Throughout the days of the walk, there is no internet or electricity. Most often, mobile networks fail. There are a few tea houses with modest amenities, but no real hotels. The Api Base Camp trip is therefore quite distant.

9. What is the Best Time to do Api Base Camp Trek?
All seasons, except mid-monsoon and winter, are suitable for the Api Base Camp Trek. August to early November is the best time, March to April: Rhododendron Blooms; May to July: Yarsagumba (Caterpillar Fungus) Harvest; several Festivals

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